Port Aventura, Spain 

Evaluation of opportunities to grow Spain's largest theme park resort. We examined the impact of a new land, enhancement of current offers and the creation of an additional gate attraction. 

Europa Park, Germany 

Evaluation of likely attendance and potential impact on the resort of the creation of the Rulantica water park and increasing the accommodation offer at Germany's leading theme park. 

Greenwood Family Park, Wales 

Review of operations and visitor profile and assessment of the potential to develop on-site overnight family accommodation at the popular family park in North Wales.  

Puy du Fou International 

Assistance with strategic planning for the expansion of Puy du Fou outside France. This helped the company to establish deals in the UK, Russia and Spain for Puy du Fou attractions in these countries.  

Disneyland Paris, France 

Assessment of the management forecasts of attendance and revenues for the expansion of the resort and addition of new rides and shows to the parks, for an investment group. 

Entertainment City, Kuwait 

Review of historic performance and assessment of the likely results of a range of redevelopment options for Kuwait's largest amusement park.